With LEVANTE, Piero Lissoni skilfully reinterpretes a complete outdoor collection encompassing different types of elements, all make for a complete set with graceful lines and timeless allure, where teak, the greatest wood for outdoor furniture, and stainless steel unite in stylish functionality. Though reminiscent of a certain classic type of outdoor furniture, the LEVANTE collection is also highly contemporary. The styling is not only reassuring for those seeking a classic look, but also meets the requirements of those looking for furniture designed for the typical settings and environments of today’s world. The entire LEVANTE collection is the ideal solution for anyone looking for comfort, whether entertaining in company or relaxing in private and has all the qualities to permit living in harmony with the surrounding landscape.

Kom og oplev de mange Roda produkter hos Danmarks største forhandler af eksklusive havemøbler, parasoller, krukker og accessories. Besøg vores 6.000 kvm oase i det idylliske Karlebo – vi glæder os til at se dig!


Levante coffee table

fås i 2 størrelser, teak

20.699,00 kr

Gratis levering og opsætning. *

(Vi medtager naturligvis al emballage)

Gratis fragt ved køb for minimum:

  • Sjælland: 1.000 dkr.
  • Jylland, Fyn: 3.000 dkr.
  • Sydsverige: 10.000 dkr.

Under disse beløb er fragtprisen:

  • Sjælland: 150 dkr.
  • Jylland, Fyn: 350 dkr.
  • Sydsverige: 1.500 dkr.

Fragtes af Scheel-Larsen bilen eller Fragtmænd fra DSV

Danmarks førende forhandler af eksklusive havemøbler.

(Vi er et gammelt familieejet selskab, der har eksisteret siden 1924. )

Besøg vores 6.000 kvm store udendørsoase.

( bestående af havemøbler, krukker, parasoller, lanterner mm. )

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